Welcome to the long-awaited X26 XQRJ-TDC! This year we are back with more outreach performances and live grand finals where u can showcase your songs to the audience! As Singapore eases COVID-19 restrictions, do look out for more physical events such as our music workshop to meet other like-minded songwriters! Just click here to indicate your interest in the registration form! We look forward to your entries
终于迎来了各位翘首以盼的 X26 心情溶剂!随着新加坡政府对冠病疫情政策的放宽,我们将会为各位带来更多的实体活动音乐集训和心情溶剂外展活动。若有意参与,请点击这里报名参赛。欢迎各位热烈响应,报名从速,以免向隅!