Stage 1: Call for Entry (12th June 2023 – 10th September 2023)
There are 2 categories in the competition – English (melody and lyrics), and Chinese (melody and lyrics). Each contestant can submit an unlimited number of entries for each category but only 1 song per representative for each category will qualify for the Grand Finals.
Refer to the rules for more details.
Stage 2: Preliminary Round 初赛 and Music workshop (November 2023)
Entries will be shared to the established judges from Ocean Butterflies Music for judging. 5 entries per category will be selected and results of the Preliminary Round will be released to the selected contestants at the end of October. Contestants do not have to attend this Preliminary Round.
There is also an online music workshop conducted by TOUCH Music Publishing, opened to all contestants as well as the public, for those interested in finding out more about the music industry and song-writing.
Stage 3: Music Consultation (November 2023) and Photoshoot (December 2022 – January 2023)
All Grand Finals finalists are to attend a scheduled music consultation with Ocean Butterflies Music, where feedback will be given to each finalist regarding their performing piece. Thereafter, finalists will undergo photoshoot and video shoot sessions in preparation for the Grand Finals.
Stage 4: Outreach Performances and Radio Station Interviews (December 2023 – Jan 2024)
Grand Finals finalists may have the opportunity to perform LIVE at specific venues for the public. The main aim of this is to provide a performance opportunity for finalists to showcase their talents, increase public exposure, publicity and recognition.
However, as the COVID-19 situation continues to fluctuate, another format of our outreach programme could be adopted, depending on the situation then. In this scenario, Grand Finals finalists will film themselves performing either their own composition or a song cover. The videos will be uploaded on our Instagram (@xqrj.tdc) for the public to watch.
Stage 5: Grand Finals 总决赛 (February 2024)
The format of our Grand Finals this year is live-stream with pre-recorded performance videos and live judging. It will be filmed at Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre. Judges shall hold the final decision for the competition results. Awards will be presented LIVE.